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Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of Lipogems® in the gynecological field, in particular in reducing some of the most serious symptoms linked to menopause, a normal biological process which causes significant changes to the female reproductive system. Due to the progressive reduction in the oestrogen production, vulvar tissues age, producing disorders such as vaginal atrophy, vulvo-vaginal dryness and vulvar lichen.

Lipogems® micro-fragmented adipose tissue, in this context, promotes tissue regeneration, re-establishing the normal physiological function and slowing down the degenerative aging process.

vaginal atrophy treatment


Vaginal atrophy

Publications in Gynecology

A new treatment of genito-urinary post-menopausal atrophy with autologous micro-fragmented fat tissue: a thirty-six months follow up case series

CASAROTTI, G.; TREMOLADA, C., European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 2020, 24: 7420-7426. Post-menopausal-atrophy_Casarotti-2020Download


Menopause: new frontiers in the treatment of urogenital atrophy

CASAROTTI, G.A., et al. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2018; 22:567-574. Vaginal-Atrophy_Casarotti-2018Download

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